Karen Wholey Faculty Assistant Professor emailkwholey@ric.edu local_phone401-456-8014 local_offer Zvart Onanian School of Nursing
Mr. William M. Wilson Faculty Professor emailwwilson@ric.edu local_phone401-456-9883 local_offer Department of Music, Theatre and Dance
Ms. Darlene F. Wood Faculty Assistant Professor emaildwood@ric.edu local_phone401-456-9860 local_offer Department of Computer Science and Information Systems School of Business
Dr. Jiyun Wu Faculty Associate Professor emailjwu@ric.edu local_phone401-456-9592 local_offer Department of Management and Marketing School of Business
Dr. Benjamin Young Faculty Associate Professor emailbyoung@ric.edu local_phone401-456-9644 local_offer Department of Physical Sciences
Ms. Stacie A. Zamperini Faculty Assistant Professor emailszamperini@ric.edu local_offer Department of Health and Physical Education
Dr. Ying Zhou Faculty Professor emailyzhou@ric.edu local_phone401-456-9795 local_offer Department of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Joseph L. Zornado Faculty Professor emailjzornado@ric.edu local_phone401-456-8656 local_offer Department of English 18JAV AFT